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Delves Infant

and Nursery School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

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Dream.  Believe.  Achieve.


At Delves Infant and Nursery School, we offer a curriculum that is broad and balanced to ensure every child reaches their full potential and has access to a range of educational experiences whatever their starting points or circumstance. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum.


Our curriculum is built to meet the needs of our community and our curriculum drivers: Resilience, Growth Mindset and Possibilities, along with British Values, are at the heart of our curriculum. Awareness of these drivers ensures that our children have high aspirations; they ‘dream’. They have a positive attitude and strength of character; they ‘believe’.  They have the skills and knowledge to be successful; they ‘achieve’. 


At Delves Infant and Nursery School children are taught all foundation subjects discretely so that they are able to develop their knowledge and key skills in each area.  Not only will this ensure children have a sound understanding of each subject but that they are well prepared for the next stage of their education.


Our curriculum is further enhanced by a wealth of extra-curricular opportunities for pupils to extend their knowledge and understanding and to improve their skills in a range of artistic, creative and sporting activities.


Please see information for each subject in the links below.  If you would like to know more about our curriculum please contact the school office using the links on the 'Contact us' page. 

Foundation subjects at Delves Infant and Nursery School.

Our curriculum is driven by the exploration of possibilities to allow children to dream,

the promotion of growth mindset to encourage children to believe

and the development of resilience which supports children to achieve.


At Delves Infant and Nursery School, we want our children to become confident learners who are not afraid of making mistakes and instead, embrace these opportunities to extend their learning. The curriculum is focused around our curriculum drivers and these can be found within every aspect of our curriculum development and implementation. Future possibilities are at the heart of what we teach to ensure that children have an understanding of what they can aspire to later in life and have the necessary tools to help achieve this. The curriculum is planned and progressive to create an ethos of awe and wonder about the world to ensure the children develop their inquisitive minds and further develop their cultural capital.



Our curriculum has been designed with our children at the centre of the approach with cognitive science at the forefront of it's development. It has been planned and developed with spaced repetition with interleaving to help support pupils to discriminate between themes to help support long term memory and retention. Previous learning is revisited regularly and frequently through POP activities and longer term pieces of work. This approach increases retrieval abilities and the ability for the children to store the knowledge in their longer term memory. The children in EYFS revisit the skills on a regular basis both within quality first teaching interactions and child initiated activities. In KS1, the children have specific themes that they follow for History, Geoography, D.T. and Art which are interspaced and interleaved throughout the year in a carefully planned and structured frame. We take an approach of 'equity not equality' which equips all children with the resources and support they need in order to access the curriculum and achieve success.



By the end of each milestone, all pupils have sustained mastery within the subjects and can remember and are fluent with it. They will have a thorough knowledge of the subjects in question and will be closely tracked on target tracker at the end of each year group. The skills are constantly revisited to ensure a mastery approach across the foundation subjects and through POP tasks linked to the BIG question for the subject, the children will be assessed and observed throughout the year within this focus, resulting in a final piece of work, answering the BIG question.
