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Delves Infant

and Nursery School

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Friday 16th January 2015 - Reception Trip to Dudley Zoo

Reception children will be going on their school trip to Dudley Zoo today.  Letters were sent home just before the Christmas break informing parents of details and cost.  All monies should be paid by Thursday 15th January in a clearly labelled envelope with child's  name and class.
Please inform your child's class teacher if you wish your child to bring a packed lunch from home by Friday 9th January, otherwise a lunch from school will be provided.  Children do not have to wear uniform but must come dressed in sensible clothing and footwear and have a waterproof coat.    A voluntary contribution of £12 is needed to cover the cost of the coach and entrance fee to Dudley Zoo.  Please see copy of letter with consent and payment plan under the heading of'Parents' then subheading 'letters' on the website.