English Links
Support with Spelling Here are some great activities to support with spelling at home.
Oxford Owl Visit the Oxford Owl website to access top tips for parents to support learning at home. You can also log in to access many phonically decodeable texts. Please see your MME message for log in details.
Phonics Play Visit this website to access phonic game and activities to support reading and spelling skills.
Book trust Discover a world of stories and get inside information on how books are created. Lots of activity ideas to share with the family.
Alphablocks Watch the vidoes to explore different letters and sounds in a fun way.
Write to Unite Visit the young writers webiste to find out how you can write to unite with other children.
Pobble365 One picture. One teaching resource. Every day.
The National Literacy Trust Access the family zone to continue learning literacy at home.
The Literacy Shed Resources to support English skills.