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Delves Infant

and Nursery School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

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Home Learning

 Welcome to our Home Learning Zone                                                                                                                      

Here you will be equipped with lots of useful resources, activities and links to continue your learning journey at home.


Home Reading    


Creating opportunities to read at home is very important - remember reading makes you brainy!

Therefore we send home reading activities each week including;


  • Phonetically decodable home reading books - this includes the RWI Storybook that your child has read in school and the matching Book Bag Book. Inside the book you will find a reading comprehension activity sheet to help build your child's confidence to answer questions about what they have read.

  • RWI E-books to allow your child to read interactive books online that suit their reading ability.

  • Virtual classroom videos to support your child to the read and spell the sounds that they have been learning in school. 

  • Library books to develop reading for pleasure and a love of reading.

  • 1000 stories in EYFS - to explore a variety of books and new vocabulary.

Spellings in KS1            

  • Children will be given spellings at the beginning of each half term to practise for their spelling quiz.  These spellings are also available on your child's class page (Children/class page/select year group).

  • Spellings focus on the common exception words (Red words) that your child needs to know by the end of the year.

  • A spelling quiz will take place at the end of each half term.


Maths Fluency                      


In school children build a deep understanding of number and number relationships and develop fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts and concepts. Children are given a Maths Fluency worksheet to complete at home that builds upon the work they have been doing and to support them to find answers efficiently.

In Nursery children develop their mathematical knowledge through Ten Town. This can be accessed through their Ten Town Login.



Holiday Homework     



In response to the feedback from our recent parent workshop, we will be setting online homework during the school holidays.


The homework will be accessible through the online programme Purple Mash (access through app or web browsers on phones, tablets and desktops).


We use Purple Mash in school and children have their own individual log in details (if you would like another copy of your child’s log in details please ask the class teacher).


Teachers can set tasks linked to your child’s learning in school to enable them to continue to build their confidence at home.



Being Sustainable at Delves...


How can we be a more sustainable school?

To be sustainable, we must use more natural resources in a way that we could keep doing it for a long time. For example, we could ride a bike instead of driving, which uses less oil. We could organise a litter picking party, to clean up our local community.


In our possibility assemblies, we have been finding out about green careers with Miss Dangerfield. So far we have learnt about a wildlife conservationist and a sustainable farmer. Look at the documents below!

Video links:

Wildlife conservationist:

Sustainable Farmer:

Useful Websites


Below we have provided links to useful websites that we recommend for you to use at home.  Remember to follow our e-safety guidelines if you are using the internet independently and ask a grown up if you need help.

Home Learning on a Snow Day (Day 1)
