Meet the staff in Reds
Red 1
Mrs Cooper
Mrs Humpherson
Red 2
Miss Heritage & Mrs Garrad (On a Thursday & Friday)
Mrs Shermer
Red 3
Miss Hacking
Miss Patel
Parent meeting September 2024
Timetable for Tuesdays
Parent information for reception baseline assessment
Curriculum overviews
In Autumn, we will be warmly welcoming the children into Reception and helping them to become comfortable with their new surroundings and people. We will focus on talking about and being able to name our emotions by using the colour monster story. We will also be learning more about our own school and the area around it. We will be focusing on a famous nurse who lived in the area, Sister Dora and talking about when she lived in Walsall by looking at photos and images.
Some of the texts we will be looking at this term:
We have lots of fun in reception exploring, investigating and learning new skills.
In reception we have daily maths sessions where we solve problems and explore all different kinds of concepts.
We use lots of fun resources and enjoy getting up and involved and working with partners.
If you would like to continue learning at home, click on this picture and it will take you to an amazing maths website for children with lots of practical and easy activities for you to do at home!
We will be having daily phonics sessions with smaller groups of children where we will be learning new sounds and practising to read and write.
The 4 seasons in our Community (Walsall Arboretum)
Have a go at these exciting activities!
Useful websites
Here are some important notes for our adults to remember!
- Our PE session is on a WEDNESDAY afternoon. Please send your child to school in their PE kits. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct PE uniform e.g. black joggers / leggings, plain white T-shirt and a plain black hooded top with trainers.
- ALL uniform and PE clothes need to be named alongside all jumpers, cardigans, coats and jackets that your child may wear for school. Please remember to remove any jewellery so your child can participate safely (if your child is wearing earrings they will not be able to participate for health and safety reasons).
- We will have forest school every third Tuesday. Please refer to the letter shared at the beginning of the year for your class, or speak to your class teacher. Your child will need to come to school in suitable clothing for outdoor learning on these days.
- We will change reading books during the week once the children have settled in (one new book per week). Please help yourself to one of our 1000 stories, which are put outside the classroom door every morning.
- Every child is entitled to a free school dinner – give them a try, they’re yummy! The children can choose what they want every day, dependent upon food allergies or requirements.
- Library books will be changed throughout the week and your child will be able to choose a book from our Library bus. Your child must have a book bag.
- Your child should bring a named bottle of water to school.
Don't forget to have a look at our gallery throughout the year!