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Delves Infant

and Nursery School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

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Year 2

Welcome to Blues


Blue  1 - Miss Boscolo

Blue 2 - Mr Lester 

Blue 3 - Miss Morgan


Support Staff - Mrs Garratt and Mrs Hill


Blues Timetable 2023


  • Dear Parents,

  • PE for the Year 2 classes will be every Monday.  (The children to come in their PE kits that day
  • (weather appropriate as PE may take place outside)
  • Home reading books will be changed weekly. Children should bring their books in their book every day and they will be changed on Monday for all 3 classes.
  • Spellings - Information to follow
  • Homework activities  - Information to follow
  • Children should be aiming to read as much as possible at home in a range of ways such as home readers, library books or sharing stories from the school library.
  • Library books will be changed on Wednesday pm

  • Enrichment Day is Friday and the timetable is attached. The children will need to wear their PE kits when they have ‘Forest Schools’.

    Many Thanks, The Year 2 Team

Enrichment Rota

Snow Day Lessons - Many thanks, Blues Team

This term we will be....


We will learn about Australia. We will use Atlases and computers to find out more about the geographical features and will learn about the culture, music and food too.


We are using historical sources to find out about Great and Ghastly Events, including the Titanic, The Queen's Coronation and the Moonlanding.


We will explore famous oil paintings  and have a go at creating our own by mixing colours and trying new techniques.


This term we will focus on food. We will design and make recipes and packaging for healthy products. In History we will design a handbag for the queen to use at her coronation.


In Forest School we will be developing our creativity, using natural materials to make useful items and toys and cooking on the campfire. 

In Commando Jo's we will develop our co-operation and resilience while role playing working for The Queen.

Take a look at the Gallery pages to see some pictures of what we have been up to...






This half term we are learning to add and subtract using a variety of methods, including the column method.

Take a look at our English Texts for this year. We will be using the Talk For Writing scheme to create a piece of independent writing, based on these texts.

Extreme Weather

Throughout the year we will be looking at extreme weather around the world as part of our Geography learning.

We will learn about different types of weather and the impact it has on humans and nature. We will explore locations on the map and use a range of sources to find out more. You could use a weather app to talk to your child about this at home and to compare temperatures and climates around the world. 

Storms Dudley and Eunice hit the UK, February 2022
