Carnival Day - Friday 10th July 2015
Carnival Day - Children can come to school in non-uniform today. Activities will be take place during the course of the morning for the children. Parents are invited to collect and sign out their child at 1.45pm from their class to attend the Summer Fayre on the school playground. Once your child has been collected by their parent, they are the parent's responsibility and will not be able to return back into the school building. Toilet facilities will be available in the canteen. Should you wish your child to be collected by somebody else it is important that your child's class teacher is made aware of this when your child is dropped at school.
Please note: The entrance on Botany Road will be closed until 3pm, please use the entrance on Bell Lane.
Should there be adverse weather conditions the Summer Fayre will take place in the school hall.
The carnival will end at 3pm.